12/19/13 400-700 CHRISTIANS KILLED BY MUSLIMS,CAF (pray 4 our brothers&sisters in Christ!) ,search:,Pastors Raymond Doui,Elisée Zama, Jean-Louis Makamba,Seleka rebels,open doors,red cross,central african republic,bangui, ;*read more at
"...pastors were among those killed in
the recent interfaith violence in Bangui,
the capital of the Central African Republic,
which the Red Cross claimed 400 lives.
Pastors Raymond Doui, age 46; Elisée
Zama, age 33; and Jean-Louis Makamba,
age 48, were killed in the rampage by
Seleka rebels, after battles between...
...Red Cross puts the death toll at 400,
but Open Doors International
representatives place the death count
much higher...
"In reality we must speak of at least 700
dead. The Red Cross has not counted the
people that have been slaughtered and
thrown into the river or buried directly by
relatives or by fishermen...."
Open Doors, as a
result of the Christian attacks on
Muslims, Muslim men, women, and
children, armed with guns and blades,
went door to door into Christian homes
and butchered people senselessly.
20,000 Christians fled into to the church
of Pastor Nicolas Guerékoyamé, the
president of the Evangelical Alliance,
and an open critique of the jihadist
Seleka group who were, initially, the
aggressors in this religious war.
Amongst those killed were Pastors
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
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