6/25/14 A "REFORMATION" IN ISLAM MAY MEAN MORE KILLING,NOT LESS?!,(interesting twist on the standard understanding of "reformation") search:,islam reformation ;*read more at
"...Overlooked by most, however, is that Islam has been
reforming. What is today called "radical Islam" is the
reformation of Islam....The problem is our understanding of the word "reform."
Despite its positive connotations, "reform" simply means
to "make changes (in something, typically a social,
political, or economic institution or practice) in order to
improve it."...Muslim notions of "improving" society may include
purging it of "infidels" and their corrupt ways; or
segregating men and women, keeping the latter under
wraps or quarantined at home; or executing apostates,
who are seen as traitorous agitators..."
"But we know where this man is from; when the Christ comes, no one will know where He is from." John 7:27,posted by vk
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