8/8/14 COWARDLY ISIS IS BEHEADING CHILDREN & RAPING MOTHERS (If Obama is waiting for a good reason to obliterate this group of terrorists,I think this is sufficient.Obama must make a stand !),search:,sinjar,christian holocaust,iraq,isis ;*read more at
"..."A Christian Holocaust is in our mist. We are actually calling this a Christian genocide… Day by day, it is getting worse and worse. More children are being beheaded.
Mothers are being raped and killed. Fathers are being hung. Right now, 300,000 Christians are fleeing Iraq and living in neighboring cities."
ISIS captured the city of Sinjar, Iraq in fighting last weekend.Sinjar is located near the Syrian border on Mount Sinjar..."
"The poor man died and was carried by the Angels To Abraham's side.."Luke 16.19-31,posted by vk
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