8/8/14 ISIS TRIES TO INTIMIDATE AMERICA,(this is how cowards operate,and the only way they learn is by elimination of their leader(s).Obama MUST make a show of force at some point.
search:,isis,#aMessagefromISIStoUS, ;*
"...Supporters of the ISIS terror group tweeted thousands
of messages on Friday bearing the hashtag
#AmessagefromISIStoUS featuring gruesome photos and
threats to U.S. soldiers and citizens after American
airstrikes took out terrorist targets in Iraq for the first
time. Some tweeted photos depict dead U.S. Army soldiers, U.S. marines hung from bridges in Fallujah, decapitated men, human heads on spikes, and the twin towers in flames on September 11, 2001..."
"The poor man died and was carried by the Angels To Abraham's side.."Luke 16.19-31,posted by vk
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